Pix by Jeannie
In every community there are standouts.
Originally for the KFDA Rudy’s (& Patti’s) annual has
grown and grown.
I remember sitting in the van to NY as they went over every
piece of music to be played – so meticulous is the planning.

This must be the place!

Rudy says “Hi! Glad you could come!”

Patti: Me, too

Wow! Something for everyone.

Hey. food’s here - everything from lobster to hot dogs – and
plenty of it

This beautiful girl is Lou’s niece, really

Odd Couple.

That big!

Old friends……

Kevin, last seen “screwing everything’ for the Flea Market
now with baby - hmmmm

Good reading…..

Keep it coming

Oops, rain, duck for cover

Young women

And younger

Was it a good party? Depends who you ask

Off Duty!

Miss Abigail Mooney, arrived fashionably late
Jeannie--A plug for At Your Stove and Andrew Greene, the chef, Jacqui and their crew would be fantastic! Their website is Also, can you please put in the most important reason for the party--it's Patty and my way of saying thanks to all the members of the KFD who put in time serving the community.
Thx much! Regards, Rudy