39th Annual Kismet Fire Department Installation Dinner
May 19, 2012
17 year member and now 1st Asst Chief Buddy Schumacher used his teaching techniques “plus the talent of trash talker John Altieri” to bring the festive crowd to order for the annual swearing in of officers. Many long term veterans and some timely service awards were presented.
Dominick and Buddy were the MC’s. Sam Wood gave the oath to the officers: Chief Bertucci, Asst Chief Buddy Schumacher, Michael Cole, Cody Baker, Secretary Arthur Weinstein, Treasurer Joan McKeehan, plus Truck Captains Ashley Cole, Tom Sitone, Jr, Sam Wood and Mule Captain John Altieri
Swearing in ceremony brief as all swore to uphold the laws of the US Constitution, of the State of New York and of the Kismet Fire Department. Sam Wood, Commissioner and ex Chief swore in “members extraordinaire”
The event was graced with the attendance of Fire Chiefs Island wide, from FINS (first time) and all the way from Saltaire, Fair Harbor, Ocean Beach, Ocean Bay Park, Davis Park and even the Pines! Bayshore and Suffolk County were also represented.
Chief Dom: “no better way to serve the community that I love”
Fire Chief Bertucci MC’d
Ken & the Kravens set the mood with great music
Oh! Vern -Our annual hug fest - .he’s such a tease
Trust me – Stewart McG and I weren’t this friendly when I bought my first house
Love this job!
Mother and child or… a couple of beautiful blonds
See that finger on my back? ---how much do you think the Chiros charged for that?!
How many Flower Ladies can you count?
The McK’s, Ski lookin’ good!
The Coles made a rare appearance:

2 proud grandpas

Danielle: oh! Such a party! (did you see my ring?) Congrats!
Welcome back to Marge – Michael keep your hands off my mask!
Welcome back to snowbirds Michelle & Peter
All the way from the Pines
How much do you think I can get to remove this picture?
Apologies for scant coverage, especially of ceremony, as a well meaning guest “adjusted my settings” and paralyzed camera!