Comics John Zeigler, Chris Roach, Lori Palminteri, Tim Gage,
and MC Matt Yaroze
The group was feted and fed at co-sponsor Geri and Bob
Phillips house
Except for Tim Gage, who doesn’t eat before performing – later
on we understood why), but Chris made up for him!

Proud event “mommas” as the public filed in

Kismet press coops Bradlees camera and pad in tow gets ready
to work

The gals of West Lighthouse came out of seclusion for the

They know where to go first – the bar

Oh Here’s the Real Bar – and Joe’s got a new partner Lauren

Here’s how it’s done

What do you mean...a recount???!!!

Basket of Cheer

Last minute pointers?

Did they bring their own coach?

That’s Gary, the birthday Boy guarding the door – or is it holding
him up

The girls – they prefer the soft focus

Now, girls in white, show off a little

Words fail me –

Cheryl and her cheering section

They are really holding each other up

MC Matt Yarosz, really a stand up the last 2 ½ years, chose
to be MC because “not as good as the others” and has hosted every comedy club
on Long Island

Our own Mike Walther: (More on mikes
routine to come)
“I’m in a great mood = I’m in Kismet!”

Let’s hear it for the homeboy!

“Happy to see Rudy not in an adult diaper. My winning Kismet’s
Got Talent contest was not as life changing as I had imagined…maybe cause I
didn’t get paid…
Have you noticed those poop containers on every corner…just
how big is your dog’s poop that you can’t carry it home
When there’s a fire in our house you don’t have to leave…We
have a fire department here! Sam Wood is on the phone, Krisha and the Chiros in
full gear texting messages…”
Remembers when porn was not so available “I had to drive out
of town and find the magazine under the rock?” Also they kept blinking those
lights indicating his time was up he soldiered on
Having the advantage of taking on people and issues we all
Always a pleasure -
You guys are killing’ me with those flashing lights

They loved him

Newbie – tries out her material on a wiling crowd, has
opened for acts at The Brokerage on L.I.
Lori (21) took issue at the "sprinkles around the toilet seat
by her boyfriend which she has to wipe off - with his toothbrush - left
him a note n the Frigidaire – can you please pick up some milk - and move the F
out1" - left him a note on the Frigidaire ' dad told her date on prom
night 'if you touch her I will kill your family in front of you"
now she dates a bartender in Cherry Grove - 10 year olds giving advice
to a younger guest at a wedding "if you want to get married you have
to get pregnant first"
Called her mom for help - "Mom I need help. I need
water" Mom: where are you?... I'm upstairs.
I’m a surfer – when I see a shark in the water I carry a sharp
pin – so I can stab the surfer next to me!

John Zeigler, young, cute - 5 years stand up, opening up for
acts on Long Island
His first time in Kismet – this is what summer is all about
In a Chinese restaurant he got 1 Chuka for 35 cents, 40 for $1’99
“I went to a community college the’80’s and finished paying off
the tuition last year!”
Re: condoms – 190 varieties; ribbed, marinated in baby oil,
(A fast talker, I couldn’t keep up with his savvy material)

Chris was here 5 years ago

Chris Rauch has headlined in all Long Island clubs, done
commercial, played a zombie in a movie.
Opened with” I’m sizzling like bacon up here”
Noticed we haven’t changed a f— thing here… had to tape up the
windows because after he had a Rocket Fuel “next thing I Knew I was in Cherry
Grove chompin’ on a tortilla”
As an actor he played a mental patient on One Flew over the Cuckoo’s
Nest – sang an endless ode to Ronkonkoma... joined Weight Watchers with his
wife – if he lost 2 and she gained 3 the rest of week he was f-ed!
“Checked out 3 points for a Heineken light, asked my wife for oral
sex - she said was out of points, but wants to go to the cheesecake factory
Why do people exercise on a vacation? Saw a guy running in place
and taking his pulse waiting for the light to change while he sat in the car
licking his double frappe ice cream – taking my pulse
Wonders why guys in boats wave to each other when on land they
are assholes

Tim Gage formerly wrote the weekend update for Colin Quinn
on SNL, has also guest shots on movies. Not eating before performance keeps him
agile onstage in his very physical performance mimicking ADD kids, hilarious
visits on parent teacher nights, trying to fit into those little chairs…my wife
has the first diaper my kid s—t in with the date on it!…Never thought I’d laugh
at parent jokes but he’s a killer!
what you do when you take your kids on a camping trip: carry 4 bags of ice, 3 staples.
The kids cant carry their aluminums blanker while I have a Frisbee in my teeth
to walk 10,000 miles on the beach, then the kid wants to go home to take a
You give up all your friends when you’re married, - when you’re
single used to talk about anything at a bar, when you’re married you lose all conversational skills

4 eyes are better than 2, (didn’t help)

Let’s see………..

The Winner 50/50 Steve! Who’s gonna kiss him first??

OK – everyone’s leaving – my turn at the bar

No! No! Don’t shoot the shooter

Better buy these Giant Roach Clips

……or I’ll mug you

“We had a blast!!!”
The emcee and organizer of the comedians was Matt Yarosz, Geri
Phillips' nephew. The Phillips were in charge of communicating with him and
keeping things on track. Geri's daughter Jennifer took care of all the
promotion (posters and flyers) as she is a wiz at graphic arts (very
professional flyers and fun too). Bob and Geri also gave dinner to the
comedians and their guests at their house before the show.
Joe and I were in charge of reservations and collecting the $
ahead of time to ensure seating for everyone and a SOLD OUT house. We also took
care of the numerous little details that are part and parcel of such a large
event. We were responsible for getting Mike Walther, our hometown
comedian, to be a part of the show. He was a hit.
Set up that day was accomplished by the whole Kismet Fire Dept,
from cleaning and sweeping the truck bay room, setting up chairs, assembling
the stage, connecting the lighting and basically turning it into a theatre. All
were a huge help. Special thanks to Buddy, Lauren, Rudy, and Dr.Janet who
worked till the bitter end of set up until Joe and I felt it was all good
to go. Sam loaned us his great sound system. Cody, Dave Lambie and DJBK
made sure the new spot-lighting was in working order.
That night Geri and I worked the door; Joe, Lauren, Rudy,
Patty, Joey P and Bob Phillips worked the bar and snacks; Drs.
Janet & Linda worked the 50/50 and Raffle; Chief Dominic, Lou R and Gary
were in charge of security so we had no interlopers.
We had so much help from all sources for breakdown after the show
that it was a firehouse again in no time.
We raised $3,000 to be used for the good of the fire dept and
the community and ran a fun event that was enjoyed by all.