Kismet’s new visitor – Happy to be Here! Photo by Art Weinstein
Newbie’s Notice: The “Noon” Siren in Kismet goes off at 12:10 – It’s called “Eastern Beach Time” or “The Island Factor”.
…and how was Winter out here? Who won the much touted Bowling Tourney? Danielle said “everyone was so busy because the weather was so good they don’t even remember”.
Firehouse was filled with St Patrick’s Day revelers. The Bay Shore Patty's Day parade was well-attended by KFD and the surrounding communities and the troops came back 5PM where a Corned Beef and Cabbage Irish soda bread, spuds and shepherds pie made by Tommy (per Gregg, who hardly missed a weekend all winter)
The extended nuclear family Pam & Tony, Jack & Hannah, and Jim & Emmy Ryan (looking real snazzy with new hairdo and makeup) and Soirse celebrated Easter together and said “no one else was here” in Kismet Big Daddy Jim Ryan once again strutted his acting chops in the New York Press annual razzing of the political scene” Inner Circle Preoccupied” at the Hilton March 30 Jim opened the show as the lead protester in Zuccotti park and later morphed into politico Walcott. Act II “Campaign Madness” in the office of Schtupp, Schnook & Schnorrer. Funny!
Condolences to Artie Russo whose wife June (Pam’s Mom) passed away this winter.. He owned the Kismet Market in the 60’s. Article to follow..
Party of 5 Debbie & Eddie came out several weekends before everyone else “We’re free! All the kids (3) are in college”
Honey Do’s Marge Fiore beat out Dick Cheney for a heart by 2 weeks after both waited 2 years. She’s doing great has to keep husband Mike from borrowing her mask! Congrats to Danielle & George engaged soon to be M-ed, Caroline & her George hanging in there year 5. Leslie Sverdlik sporting a biggie ring!
INN perennial Peter Pan aka Johnny Thunder now has a real job with medical Insurance – can you imagine? Still plans to maintain his dancing/ drinking alter ego!
Nexxies Update: Joining the ranks of the Unemployed: Just Graduated: Sam (off to Paris, then to hook up with Gracie at Cannes, now back to work for dad. From Cannes to Carting!!!), Lauren L grad, Casey L (bro Nick, technically a Junior, on the “5 year plan” per dad who surprised Casey at her 21st birthday party at a snazzy place with a pool. Not invited, disguised himself with dreadlocks, glasses etc and went as bartender even his daughter did not recognize him “coolest thing you ever did, dad” said Nicky at FAU), Gracie in December (interning second time at the Cannes Festival ) Robbie Vietri “younger man” one year to go, Roz’ godchild Heidi Spring, graduated Mt Holyoke College with a BA in Psychology. Bryana R a freshman, Mysterious Mallory Grad High School. Post grad Kylie Phelan off to California to seek fame and fortune (and men?) Look for another Nexxie in the Market as daughter Sam helps out Dad Andy in the family business
Baby Bonanza
Its another girl for the Mooney’s Tim's mother passed away on Thanksgiving night ”But after a death you do get some joy which is our new granddaughter Abigail Reagan Mooney born on March 2 weighing in at 8lbs 1/2 oz she is really cute… she’s just perfect!”.” wrote Grandpa Tim. “Dad Brendan beams, the 3 new aunties fight to baby sit Kelly is godmother – the twins not happy with that!”
After our rival columnist spent his entire column on baby names and pix, no doubt realizing a picture is worth a thousand words (which he then did not have to write), I would be remiss in not mentioning Emma Grace Butler (Tom Terrif’s contribution), Kie Harbor Sitone (of Boatel’s Rose & Ken & Tom S. Jr), Claire Noreen Wilson, Fiona Margaret Fischer & Charlie Baker Krane. OK! I’ve done it! Joey you’re creating the notion that Kismet is just one big nursery!
The Legend of Mugsy:
AH! My favorite part! Mugsy & Jen’s much anticipated baby , little Lydon John of the illustrious historic name, arrived, as predicted, New Year’s Eve adding to the Cole male dominated clan. Mugsy says we can expect to see him spending his days at the INN, in training! Grandma Joyce said “it’s a proud moment. I was an only child and I always wanted a big family…and now I have 14!”
Have you often wondered how Mugsy got his name? Fatherhood has made him loquacious! When he was very young he fell on deck furniture and left his front teeth embedded. Whereupon the family called him “Gumsy”which morphed into Mugsy which is a little better name for a bar owner. When he and Ashley took over it was the era of cocaine. To keep order in the bar they lost a lot of friends trying to keep the place “clean” there were lots of fights “My brother and I would end up crying in the back yard when it was over… after we beat up everybody. In the past 5 years things have changed it’s a family crowd. If someone is out of place we ask them politely to leave…and they do.”
Lateral moves; Another repercussion from Kismets new babies is the social strata of Dom’s house: couples with child upstairs, just couples downstairs which leaves longtime housemates, brothers Ted & Tom unqualified!!! Of course in this era of same sex they should be included – But this talented, handsome duo should be on every gal’s house wish list.
Too close to the action Stacey, Abe & Jeanine, Sharon, Jack, Kathy L and Alex left Innesfree to the seclusion of Seabay Way Way Yonder, In a reverse family move Judy’s kids & their kids are not returning to Xanadu, replaced by Beverly who joins Pinney (ratio is now 5 to 1 and he has his own bathroom) Joyce, Marsha, & Joanie.
New Crime Wave: Goldilocks syndrome – add this to the list of unusual Kismet -crimes – strangers in your bed – the Villache’s little daughter Gigi discovered when they came out that there was someone sleeping in a bed upstairs – for an instant they thought they had forgotten they rented to someone – but it was an intruder
Not as polite I am sure is when John Altieri found a guy sleeping in his house – the guy was actually miffed at John’s “attitude”.
Reminds me of the good ole days when I discovered after the season that someone had set up housekeeping using a lounge chair and towels off the line under my oceanfront deck all summer (so that’s where all the missing towels and sheets went!!)
High Society:
Cozy A’s favorite off season couple Laurie & Ken celebrated his birthday not once but twice, Sat PM and Sunday AM. Plenty of Tequila, spicy kielbasa, wings et all and huge birthday cake, Cartoon Alley, C-line & George, Dennis & DRP (“the pickle sisters”), family and friends joined for the annual which lasted 2 days.
Party of 5’s Debbie & Eddie (not That Debbie & Eddie) threw a blast for her 50th - 50 people including neighbors Tony & Pam M & Artie R, Steve & Susan (letting loose without the 4 kids: “feel like the old days” kvelled Steve), Jay & Linda, Joel & Miggy, Pat & Phil V (newly returned), Bob & Marie, plus the Merry Marrieds (Jennifer, Neal, bro Bruce & Meryl, Cindy & Steve, Chris & Barry, Cheryl L, Gary & Dawn) plus some friends from Westchester danced through the night to D-J Brian Kelley, lights & montage by Bruce, sets by Josh & Sam, Eddies nephews. The champagne flowed (Cliquot!) “The police shut us down…at 2AM” complained Eddie. Rumor is Debby opened her gifts around 3AM. Nevertheless the bright couple ready to beach the next day – none the worse for wear!
KCA meeting: we now have an official website, with all kinds of useful content: Noise, fire, health emergencies call 911 – or the Marine Bureau 631 854-8382 whether problem e big or small (like violations of new Stop sign at Burma and West Lighthouse). 5t Parade July 1st. Key points. Here come the Marines!!! A contingent of Marines will be here, possibly in the parade but they will present a huge American flag from Afghanistan. Kismet has a contracted with Saltiare’s EMT service (comes to $100 per house for which we can all be grateful)
Note from Fire Chief Bartucci: Zero tolerance for fireworks anytime, anywhere on July 4th weekend
KLAW Kismet has the fattest cats due to a mild winter which didn’t prevent our winter feeding crew from indulging them: Christine, Tommy F, Rick Cole & Christ Andrea & Alice ALL survived plus a few new ones, and 3 declawed housebroken abandoned pets. KLAW auction is June 16/17 – get your donations in to Bradlee at Avalon – one man’s garbage is another’s interior decoration
KFDA meeting was 17 strong and great old and new activities discussed:
Good news! Pancake bkfst is back (is a serendipitous moment the dock master in Cherry Grove told me the Grove FD cancelled their pancake breakfast for the first time – “too difficult”)
Sports: There WILL be softball on the Saltaire courts promises team captain Lou R. “Hard to get court time – we’re shooting for 2PM Sunday afternoons”.
Kentucky Derby one of the biggest ever with 30 pools, including a $50 one. Erin wouldn’t divulge total intake but it was “huge”.
Preakness: less busy competing with KFD Installation dinner next door nevertheless a had some “interesting” results: Dennis, DRPeter, Jimmy Carpet & Cozy A Kenny all won! It’s a Fix!!!
Coming Attractions:
Sat June 9th - Comedy Night 8pm (doors open 7:30) Call 631-583-5311 for reservation, seating ism limited $25 per
Sat June 16-Sun June 17 KLAW flea market
Sunday July 1st KFD Parade & BBQ
Sunday July 8th - Pancake Breakfast
Sun July 8th-Sept 3rd @ 8pm - Grown up movies
Wed @ 6 - Kids Movies (start date TBD)
Duck Races in August (date TBD)
Yoga & Pilates schedule is still in flux as is Zumba but will start in late June.
ENDQUOTE: A man drove me to drink and I didn’t have the decency to thank him!
…and that’s Kismet!!!
See for coverage and pictures of events listed…and more
Kismet Goes to the Races:
C’mon! pick one!
I feel lucky!

SO do I!!

Who cares who wins??!!
We do!!!
Last call for Kikley – and Mom…..of to the Left Coast
A matched pair
…a colorful pair
Jay, stuck at a wedding next door
Business as usual
Escapee from the Out!
Came to Bet!!!
The Best Partiers!
They all won! It’s a fix!!!
Do we not feel like stepchildren at the Maple street ferry “terminal” –C’mon! we pay the same as everyone else – this is a disgrace!