SOME ATTACKS ON THE TICK – From Pesticides to Guinea Hens!!!
is the program we have been running in Saltaire and Fair Harbor for the past
few years. and who are attempting to continue the program beyond the
experimental phase.
York Times Editorial Page
16, 2012
Ticks to the Slaughter
The mild winter is promising to bring a bad summer for disease-causing
parasites like the deer tick, which causes Lyme disease, a danger throughout
the Northeast. A three-year experiment in tick control in two areas of Long
Island — Shelter Island and western portions of Fire Island — has shown
encouraging results.
Researchers from Cornell University installed and monitored dozens of “four-poster”
feeding stations, which lure deer to a bin baited with corn and rigged with
rollers soaked with a tick-killing pesticide, permethrin. When a deer rubs
against the rollers, ticks die by the thousands. One station can treat all the
deer in about 100 acres.
New York had banned four-poster devices because feeding wild deer makes them
congregate, which increases the risk of spreading chronic wasting disease. The
Department of Environmental Conservation approved the experiment for these
confined areas, where Lyme infections were severe and chronic wasting disease
The experiment was a departure for the cautious conservation department, and it
faced resistance from hunters who didn’t like the idea of permethrin in their
venison. But, under pressure from Shelter Island residents, the project was
approved. Hunters were assured that the pesticide, commonly used in shampoos
for head lice, showed up only on the skin and hair of affected deer, not in
The results were excellent: Tick populations were reduced by more than 90
percent, according to the study’s report issued last year. Scientists are
cautious about predicting a comparable drop in Lyme disease because so many
factors are involved in its spread. But the experiment, which ended last year, seems
well worth continuing and expanding to other parts of Long Island.
Please dress appropriately when
you are working in your garden
This Season's Ticking Bomb
Warm Weather Means Ticks Will Be Out Early; A 'Horrific' Season for Lyme and
Other Diseases
can wait for months, clinging to the edge of a blade of grass or a bush, for
the whiff of an animal's breath or vibration telling them a host approaches.
are ticks—and when they attach to your skin and feed on your blood over many
days, they can transmit diseases. Often hard to diagnose and tricky to treat,
tick-borne illnesses—led by Lyme disease—can cause symptoms ranging from
headache and muscle aches, to serious and long-term complications that affect
the brain, joints, heart, nerves and muscles. Preventing bites to head off
illness is particularly important, experts say, because the complex interaction
between ticks, their hosts, bacteria and habitats isn't completely understood.
temperatures are leading some experts to warn that tick activity is starting
earlier than usual this year, putting more people at risk.
is going to be a horrific season, especially for Lyme," says Leo J. Shea
III, a clinical assistant professor at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation
Medicine, part of New York University Langone Medical Center. He is also
president of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society.
may be identified after a tick bite, for example, by an expanding rash that
looks like a bull's-eye. But that doesn't always happen, and even after a tick
bite, antibodies against Lyme may not show up for weeks, so early blood tests
can turn up false negatives. Symptoms such as fatigue, chills, fever, headache
and swollen lymph nodes may be misdiagnosed. Some infections can go undetected
for months or even years. When caught early, tick-borne diseases can be treated
successfully with two weeks of antibiotics, but doctors and researchers still
argue about whether a chronic form of Lyme exists, and whether it should be
treated with longer courses of the drugs.

the country, state and federal health officials are battling a continued rise
in tick-borne diseases including Lyme, babeosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted
1992 and 2010, reported cases of Lyme doubled, to nearly 23,000, and there were
another 7,600 probable cases in 2010, according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. But CDC officials say the true incidence of Lyme may be
three times higher. Other infections, including babesiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis are steadily increasing, too. While not all
ticks carry disease, some may spread two or three types of infections in a
single bite.
say the primary reasons for the global rise of tick-borne illness include the
movement of people into areas where animal hosts and tick populations are
abundant, and growth in the population of animals that carry ticks, including
deer, squirrels and mice.
haven't even begun to scratch the surface of the type of pathogens ticks can be
harboring and transmitting," says Kristy K. Bradley, state epidemiologist
and public health veterinarian for the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
"are a traveling tick parade," Dr. Bradley adds, with pet dogs
"bringing them into the home and onto furniture and carpets."

brown dog tick, pictured, can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
checking the body for ticks can reduce exposure, because removing them quickly
can prevent transmission of disease, says Kirby C. Stafford III, chief entomologist
at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, or CAES, in New Haven.
or bathing quickly after being outdoors can also help wash off crawling ticks
or make it easier to find them. What won't work: simply jumping in the pool or
lake, because ticks can hide in bathing suits and don't quickly drown in water.
There are tick-repellent sprays for clothes, but it is wise to immediately
launder and dry garments at high temperatures after hiking or golfing in areas
where ticks are present.
CDC is conducting the first study of its kind to determine whether spraying the
yard for ticks can not only kill pests, but also reduce human disease.
Participating households agreed to be randomly assigned a single spray with a
common pesticide, bifenthrin, or one that contained water, without knowing
which they would receive.
Mead, chief of epidemiology and surveillance activity at CDC's
bacterial-illness branch, says preliminary results from about 1,500 households
indicate that a spray reduced the tick population by 60%.
there was far less of a reduction in tick encounters and illness,"
indicating that even a sharp drop in tick populations leaves infected ones
behind. "We may have to completely wipe out ticks to get an effect on
human illness," he says. The CDC is enrolling
households for a second arm of the study and expects final results late in
the fall. Organic repellents such as Alaska cedar are also being tested in
other studies.

Sometimes fire is the only solution: Wildlife biologist Scott C. Williams roams
Connecticut's woods armed with a propane torch to incinerate clumps of
Japanese barberry, an invasive plant species that chokes off native vegetation
and provides a favorite habitat for ticks.
CAES program to control the red-berried shrub—once cultivated as decorative—is
part of the growing, multifaceted effort around the country to prevent the
spread of infections like Lyme, which Mr. Williams has been treated for twice
since beginning the project in 2007.
Bradley's home state of Oklahoma is one of several working with the One Health
Initiative, a global program to improve communication between physicians and
veterinarians to prevent the spread of infectious disease from animals to
people, such as recommending tick collars, sprays or topical treatments with
pesticides for dogs.
problem, says Laura Kahn, a founder of One Health, is that "vets don't
like to advise people on human health and physicians don't typically think
about these things, so it falls through the cracks." About 75% of new
diseases that have emerged globally in the last 30 years are spread from
animals to people, many of them through ticks, says Dr. Kahn, who is also a
science-and-global-security researcher at Princeton University.
Lipsett, 21 years old, was diagnosed with Lyme in November, after suffering for
three years with symptoms including problems with his jaw, recurring sinus
infections, migraines and trouble sleeping. He had to give up playing tennis
and take a medical leave from Bentley University in Waltham Mass., where he was
a senior. He doesn't remember being bitten by a tick but had been camping in
the woods in New Hampshire and often spent time outdoors during the summers at
a family home in Cape Cod.
told him he might have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. Depressed
about his health, he began seeing a therapist who knew about the symptoms of
Lyme and referred him to another physician. That doctor determined he had
Lyme—and babesiosis, caused by a parasite that destroys red blood cells.
Lipsett has been on an antibiotic regimen for four months. He says he has felt
better each month and that he is prepared to stay on the drugs until he and his
doctor are confident the disease is under control. He is making up courses and
hopes to graduate next year. He plans to participate in a 5K run on April 29 to
raise money for Time for Lyme, a Stamford, Conn. nonprofit that supports
research into Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses.
"I may not be able to
run, but I'm going to try to walk it," he says.

approach to Lyme disease
Last Updated: 10:19 AM, July 13, 2012
It’s a hot summer in the Northeast — but not as hot as the quirky
little market for guinea hens, the latest fad for the monied set looking to do
battle against Lyme disease-carrying deer ticks.
These hens, with their patterned plumage and stark white faces,
are the latest backyard accessory dotting Hamptons estates and suburban horse
farms because of their voracious appetites for all things buggy, including the
dreaded deer tick.
Rob Schuster, whose Schuster’s Poultry Farm in Lakewood, NJ, has
sold a record 60 guinea hens this year — 10 times the number he sold all last
summer — and at times has had trouble keeping them in stock.
They cost about $8 per keet, or baby, and $25 or more for an
The bull market in guinea hens was sparked by talk that 2012 will
be a bad year for deer ticks. Dr. Richard Ostfeld, of the Cary Institute of
Ecosystem Studies, in Millbrook, Dutchess County, said a boom last year in the
population of tick-carrying white mice is behind the expected spike.
Oddly, supermodel Christie Brinkley is credited with starting the
guinea hen craze in 1990, after running an experiment on her Hamptons property
that found the birds eat a lot of deer ticks.
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You can buy them -