Baking or Buying – A Sweet Successful Event
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Days before the event kitchens on Fire Island and in America were
busy performing creative culinary feats and bakers reveled in the joy of baking
(and showing off).
It was the annual Kismet Bake sale event from the KFDA Kismet Fire
Department Auxiliary.
The team:

Patt Villachi, leader of the event coordinators: Phyllis Bakalar,
Michelle Schecter, Sherri Roth, Rose Liotta and Ginny Butler spent weeks
telephoning each other and reaching out to contributors. The set up began the
night before and at dawn. The effort paid off in a much appreciated event which
had buyers at the door at 9AM and sold out by noon, one hour before official
closing time. One man bought his wife’s cake!
The Wrapping Table

Checking the Prices

The Merchandise

Someone cheated here – this looks professional – no matter – we’ll
take it all
Bakers included
Allison Koncwelik (Polenta cake)
Debbie Einstein (Praha Palace cupcakes)
Kismet Market Vanilla cake with milk chocolate icing
Helene Hellman flourless chocolate brownies
Kate Arthur Kahwa Kake
Sharon Sitone Banana Blueberry bread, Banana Blueberry Pecan
Jen Cole Monkey Bread
Patt Villacci Krispy Treats, Bark Decadence, Southern Rum Cake,
Lemon Pound Cake
Dawn Leone Pizza Crumb Cake
Nancy Russell Pistachio Pound cake
Summer Wind Banana Chocolate Chip cake
Krysia Lambie Sour Cream coffee cake
Brooke Lambie Cupcake cake
Georgette Hermann Cinnamon Streusel
Sheri Roth Brownie Cake
Joyce & Joanie Cherry Chocolate, chocolate pudding cake
Ginny Butler Banana Nut Bread, Chocolate Chip brownies
Bradlee White Rugala
Amy Wood, Amy’s Crumb Cake
Michelle Schechter Magic Bars, Cranberry Oatmeal Crumb cake, Red
Velvet cake
The Out Roasted nut & honey bars
Debbie Schwartz Flourless Chocolate Cake
Joan Mc Keehan Pistachio Walnut Bundt cake
Soirsia & Emmie Ryan Chocolate Chocolate cake
Dana (Bulkhead) Chocolate Chip brownies
Jeri Phillips Crumb Cake
Pam & Anna MAnzo Chocolate C hip Brownies
Lazy Bones Raisin Scones. Apple Caramel Crumb cake
Karen Burke Bailey’s Irish Ganache cake
Christine of Brown Sugar Red Velvet
Joanne Agoglia Oatmeal, apricot white chocolate chip cookies,
Dried cherry, almond amaretto biscotti
Jane Weisser Mixed Berry Tart
The Drums Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies
Cheryl Licari brought in cookies at 12:30 only to find sale over!
Omission unintentional
Thank you all

Official greeter
The first buyers Mossie & Fran waiting at door 9AM

Hmmmmmmmmm – so much to choose from for Book Club that afternoon

The Customers shop and pay up

A family event

Gary’s into it

Shopping joke?

Hope Carole & Susan share (my neighbors)

John A ponders…….

…and ponders

Gigi wants something Mom Patt didn’t actually make!

Young KFD supporter

Gregg scooped up some for his Seabay PotLuck dinner later that day

Dennis also bought for contribution to Seabay potluck (easier than

Patti said “really???” after she contributed cakes, Rudy brought
another home!

Joe’s delight

Some brought their own coffee to go with the cake

Ah This one will do! Let’s go home and eat it

This late donation was purchased before it could even be wrapped

Family that shops together, noshes together

John, chef extraordinaire, with a critical eye

An arithmetic lesson as he counts out the dollars

Dana of Bulkhead pleased with her choices

Smiles as sweet as their cakes

A mini fashion show by one sophisticated buyer

He wanted in also

Another fashion statement

Our lifeguards, reporting for work at the firehouse, also gave in
to temptation and had sweet lunches

John C grabbed a box and bought one for each of his boat

This generous shopper put his change into the donation jar – with
a “thank you”
An act repeated many times that morning.
The event raised $1500!