by Stephanie

Fair Harbor is like Brigadoon. We are tucked in between larger, fancier neighbors on either side and we never change...much. Fair Harbor is located on the western end of Fire Island, with Saltaire and Kismet to the west and Dunewood and Lonelyville to the east. It is one of the narrowest sections of Fire Island with only 2 blocks between bay and ocean in some places.
What are we known for? Our fabulous sunset viewing!!!! Sunsets are great everywhere on FI, but in Fair Harbor the entire image is framed by the sand spit from Saltaire, the Robert Moses Causeway further west and north and West Fire Island to the north. What makes it so much fun is that much of the community comes out to schmooze while watching the setting sun, much like a stroll around the Plaza in Spanish countries. Last month the Community Association sponsored a free concert on the town dock. There was much shaking and stomping until 10 pm.

This has always been a kid/dog community. Each year there is another bunch of small kiddos zooming around on bikes, scooters or just running ( until they learn what boardwalks offer when falling).
What else provides us with an identity other than Snooze Harbor? Starting at the bay, we have one of the better restaurants on FI. Le Dock, owned and run by Patrick and Melissa Adams serves great food every day of the week and has a pizza parlor for easy home dining. They also have a cozy bar and plenty of outdoor dining and they will cater your private parties as well. Some weekends the restaurant has a DJ for late nite dancing.
Next to Le Dock going east is The Loading Dock, a full service liquor store that offers wine tastings during the season. Adjacent to the Loading Dock is Corliss on the Bay. Our version of a general store. Jeff Whitney sells everything from bikes and wagons to vintage jewelry and all manner of nuts and bolts. If he doesn't have it he will get it for you.
Opposite Jeff's store is the bay beach with lifeguards and swimming lessons and a playground for kiddos. A great place for mums to sit while their kids play with their friends.
If you head toward the ocean on Broadway you will come to the Pioneer Store. Probably the best stocked market on Fire Island. Bob Whitney along with sons and nephews/nieces provides four towns with just about anything that you could desire for that terrific recipe, deli platters and anything that your guests may want to buy you for letting them stay with you. Bobby has a soft spot in his heart for little kids and keeps a jar of pretzels handy for those that ask. Lynn Whitney oversees Unfriendly's Ice Cream there as well.They serve coffee and bagels in the early morning for those arriving or leaving and there is always a line at the end of the day for ice cream.
On the corner of Broadway and Central one can find The Bare Necessities, offering waxing, manicures and pedicures and facials. Owner Ellen Russell is an EMT and has been known to leave a client in a chair to dry while heading off to answer a call.

RK Landscaping keeps all the yards trimmed and neat as well as having a plant market by the ferry dock and offering deck planting for those of us who are challenged by digging in dirt. Both Brendan and Bobby are members of fire dept and often have to juggle to keep everyone happy and healthy.
Warren Silverman, a licensed massage therapist does deep tissue massage and makes house calls. Stephanie Rogers, a cranio -sacral and polarity therapist, is a registered yoga teacher who teaches on the beach at the end of Birch Walk and offers bodywork or private yoga classes on a deck in a quiet setting under the trees.
We are a laid back community, without a high profile and we love it that way. Big decisions during the day consist of Bay? or Ocean? Walk? or Bike? to the store? Meeting friends or going solo to the sunset? Someone once said to me "Don't you ever get bored with watching the sunset every nite ?" I thought she was missing the whole point of being on Fire Island. Somehow taking the time daily to acknowledge something in nature feeds one's spirit.
Stephanie Rogers teaches YOGA on the BEACH, Birch Walk, Fair Harbor
Monday, Thursday and Fridays 9:30
Saturdays and Sundays 8:30 and 10:00 am
YOGA in KISMET in the Fire House
Mondays and Fridays 11:15