Kismet Arthur Lem Memorial Snapper Derby '13

From Warren Lem:
My father passed July 5, 1997. As you know he spent a lot if
time fishing on the Kismet ferry dock and taught loads of kids how to
Snapper derby started the year after he passed. Bob and
Ellen Ryan, Jack and Bobbi Baker thought the
fishing derby would be a great way for kids to learn the joys of fishing and
also paying tribute to My Dad.
We run the catch and release tournament to teach
children good sustainable "green initiative" practices and sportsmanship.
The tradition has continued to be carried on by Buddy Schumacher, the Cole family. Sponsors
are the Kismet market, Kismet Inn, Surfs Out Restaurant, and if course my Mom,
Lee and myself.
The weather was perfect and so apparently were the tides as Buddy remarked it was the best ever tourney as the fish kept coming in throughout the 2 hours of the event.
It is always wonderful to see Warren’s mother Rose Lem, now 92, who was seen only the week before “working” the Breast Cancer/Clam Shucking event here.
Also helping was Lee, Warren’s wife and a couple of Buddy’s friend who were enlisted for weigh-ins and photographing only a day before.
There is no denying the great competitive spirit of the event as kids were seen in deep concentration on various spots on the pier and marina, and then running with their “catch” to be weighed in and recorded then running back to release the fish and repeat the procedure.
photos and text by Jeannie

The sponsors

The trophies

The organizer

Mama Rose Lem serving bait?


These gals brought their own chairs! No roughing it

Cozy corner all to himself


A classic

Hope she fishes as good as she looks

Mom daughter bonding

Hope I catch one

Here it is

How much does it weigh?

Don’t make me touch it

Joyce Cole gets a laugh as the kids drop their fish

How much does it weigh?

That’s all?

She won two trophies -!!!


Yes, you have to touch it again


Group portrait – say “SNAPPER”

Well done, another year!